Java Audi Connect Download Client

  1. Java Audi Connect Download Client Download
  2. Java Audi Connect Download Client Windows 7
Written by Nam Ha Minh
Last Updated on 18 July 2019 Print Email
In this Java network programming tutorial, we’ll guide you how to write a client program that talks to a server using TCP/IP protocol. In the next few minutes, you will see that Java makes it easy to develop networking applications as Java was built for the Internet. The examples are very interesting: a daytime client, a Whois client, a HTTP client and a SMTP client.

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1. Client Socket API

The Socketclass represents a socket client. You use this class to make connection to a server, send data to and read data from that server. The following steps are applied for a typical communication with the server:

1. The client initiates connection to a server specified by hostname/IP address and port number.

2. Send data to the server using an OutputStream.

3. Read data from the server using an InputStream.

4. Close the connection.

The steps 2 and 3 can be repeated many times depending on the nature of the communication.Now, let’s study how to use the Socket class to implement these steps.

Initiate Connection to a Server:

To make a connection to a server, create a new Socket object using one of the following constructors:

- Socket(InetAddress address, int port)

- Socket(String host, int port)

- Socket(InetAddress address, int port, InetAddress localAddr, int localPort)

You see, it requires the IP address/hostname of the server and the port number.With the first two constructors, the system automatically assigns a free port number and a local address for the client computer. With the third constructor, you can explicitly specify the address and port number of the client if needed. The first constructor is often used because of its simplicity.

These constructors can throw the following checked exceptions:

- IOException: if an I/O error occurs when creating the socket.

Java Audi Connect Download Client Download

- UnknownHostException: if the IP address of the host could not be determined.

That means you have to catch (or re-throw) these checked exceptions when creating a Socket instance. The following line of code demonstrates how to create a client socket that attempts to connect to at port number 80:

Send Data to the Server:

To send data to the server, get the OutputStream object from the socket first:Then you can use the write() method on the OutputStream to write an array of byte to be sent:And you can wrap the OutputStream in a PrintWriter to send data in text format, like this:The argument true indicates that the writer flushes the data after each method call (auto flush).

Read Data from the Server:

Similarly, you need to obtain an InputStream object from the client socket to read data from the server:Then use the read() method on the InputStream to read data as an array of byte, like this:You can wrap the InputStream object in an InputStreamReader or BufferedReader to read data at higher level (character and String). For example, using InputStreamReader:And using BufferedReader:

Close the Connection:

Simply call the close() method on the socket to terminate the connection between the client and the server:This method also closes the socket’s InputStream and OutputStream, and it can throw IOException if an I/O error occurs when closing the socket.We recommend you to use the try-with-resource structure so you don’t have to write code to close the socket explicitly.Now, let’s see some sample programs to learn to code a complete client application. The following examples illustrate how to connect to some well-known Internet services.

2. Java Socket Client Example #1: a Daytime Client

The server at (NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology) provides a time request service on port 13 (port 13 is for Daytime protocol).The following program connects to NIST time server to read the current date and time:As you can see, this program simply makes a connection and read data from the server. It doesn’t send any data to the server, due to the simple nature of Daytime protocol.Run this program and you would see the output like this (two blank lines - one after and one before): This is the current date and time returned by the server, in UTC time zone.

3. Java Socket Client Example #2: a Whois Client

Whois is an Internet service that allows you to query information about a specific domain name.The InterNIC (The Network Information Center) provides a Whois service on port number 43 (port 43 is for Whois protocol).Hence we can develop the following program to “whois” any domain name we want:As you can see, the domain name is passed to the program as an argument. After connected to the server, it sends the domain name, and reads the response from the server.Run this program from command line using the following command:And you would see some information about the domain like this:You can see the domain was registered in 1997 and it will expire in 2020.

4. Java Socket Client Example #3: a HTTP Client

The following program demonstrates how to connect to a web server via port 80, send a HEAD request and read message sent back from the server:As you can see, the URL is passed to the program as an argument. The program basically sends a HEAD request (follows HTTP protocol) in the following format:Run this program from command line using this command:You would see the server’s response like this:It’s very interesting, isn’t it?

5. Java Socket Client Example #4: a SMTP Client

The following program is more interesting, as it demonstrates communication between the program and a SMTP server (We use Google’s mail server - Here’s the code:Basically, this program talks to a server via SMTP protocol, by sending a couple simple SMTP commands like HELO and QUIT. Run this program and you would see the following output:These are the response messages from a SMTP server. The dialogue between the client and the server is actually like this (S for server and C for client):As you can see in the examples above, you can create fully functional Internet applications if you understand the protocol or communication between the client and the server.

API Reference:

Related Java Network Tutorials:

Other Java network tutorials:

About the Author:

Nam Ha Minh is certified Java programmer (SCJP and SCWCD). He started programming with Java in the time of Java 1.4 and has been falling in love with Java since then. Make friend with him on Facebook and watch his Java videos you YouTube.

Java Audi Connect Download Client Windows 7

In this quickstart, you learn to manage blobs by using Java. Blobs are objects that can hold large amounts of text or binary data, including images, documents, streaming media, and archive data. You'll upload, download, and list blobs. You'll also create, set permissions on, and delete containers. Melodyne vst plugin free download full version.


This quickstart uses a legacy version of the Azure Blob storage client library. To get started with the latest version, see Quickstart: Manage blobs with Java v12 SDK.


  • An Azure account with an active subscription. Create an account for free.
  • An Azure Storage account. Create a storage account.
  • An IDE that has Maven integration. This guide uses Eclipse with the 'Eclipse IDE for Java Developers' configuration.

Download the sample application

The sample application is a basic console application.

Use git to download a copy of the application to your development environment.

This command clones the repository to your local git folder. To open the project, launch Eclipse and close the Welcome screen. Select File then Open Projects from File System. Make sure Detect and configure project natures is checked. Select Directory then navigate to where you stored the cloned repository. Inside the cloned repository, select the blobAzureApp folder. Make sure the blobAzureApp project appears as an Eclipse project, then select Finish.

Once the project completes importing, open (located in blobQuickstart.blobAzureApp inside of src/main/java), and replace the accountname and accountkey inside of the storageConnectionString string. Then run the application. Specific instructions for completing these tasks are described in the following sections.

Copy your credentials from the Azure portal

The sample application needs to authenticate access to your storage account. To authenticate, add your storage account credentials to the application as a connection string. View your storage account credentials by following these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.

  2. Locate your storage account.

  3. In the Settings section of the storage account overview, select Access keys. Here, you can view your account access keys and the complete connection string for each key.

  4. Find the Connection string value under key1, and select the Copy button to copy the connection string. You will add the connection string value to an environment variable in the next step.

Configure your storage connection string

In the application, you must provide the connection string for your storage account. Open the AzureApp.Java file. Find the storageConnectionString variable and paste the connection string value that you copied in the previous section. Your storageConnectionString variable should look similar to the following code example:

Run the sample

This sample application creates a test file in your default directory (C:Users<user>AppDataLocalTemp, for Windows users), uploads it to Blob storage, lists the blobs in the container, then downloads the file with a new name so you can compare the old and new files.

Run the sample using Maven at the command line. Open a shell and navigate to blobAzureApp inside of your cloned directory. Then enter mvn compile exec:java.

The following example shows the output if you were to run the application on Windows.

Before you continue, check your default directory (C:Users<user>AppDataLocalTemp, for Windows users) for the sample file. Copy the URL for the blob out of the console window and paste it into a browser to view the contents of the file in Blob storage. If you compare the sample file in your directory with the contents stored in Blob storage, you will see that they are the same.


You can also use a tool such as the Azure Storage Explorer to view the files in Blob storage. Azure Storage Explorer is a free cross-platform tool that allows you to access your storage account information.

After you've verified the files, press the Enter key to complete the demo and delete the test files. Now that you know what the sample does, open the file to look at the code.

Understand the sample code

Next, we walk through the sample code so that you can understand how it works.

Get references to the storage objects

The first thing to do is create the references to the objects used to access and manage Blob storage. These objects build on each other -- each is used by the next one in the list.

  • Create an instance of the CloudStorageAccount object pointing to the storage account.

    The CloudStorageAccount object is a representation of your storage account and it allows you to set and access storage account properties programmatically. Using the CloudStorageAccount object you can create an instance of the CloudBlobClient, which is necessary to access the blob service.

  • Create an instance of the CloudBlobClient object, which points to the Blob service in your storage account.

    The CloudBlobClient provides you a point of access to the blob service, allowing you to set and access Blob storage properties programmatically. Using the CloudBlobClient you can create an instance of the CloudBlobContainer object, which is necessary to create containers.

  • Create an instance of the CloudBlobContainer object, which represents the container you are accessing. Use containers to organize your blobs like you use folders on your computer to organize your files.

    Once you have the CloudBlobContainer, you can create an instance of the CloudBlockBlob object that points to the specific blob you're interested in, and perform an upload, download, copy, or other operation.


Container names must be lowercase. For more information about containers, see Naming and Referencing Containers, Blobs, and Metadata.

Create a container

In this section, you create an instance of the objects, create a new container, and then set permissions on the container so the blobs are public and can be accessed with just a URL. The container is called quickstartcontainer.

This example uses CreateIfNotExists because we want to create a new container each time the sample is run. In a production environment, where you use the same container throughout an application, it's better practice to only call CreateIfNotExists once. Alternatively, you can create the container ahead of time so you don't need to create it in the code.

Upload blobs to the container

To upload a file to a block blob, get a reference to the blob in the target container. Once you have the blob reference, you can upload data to it by using Cloud​Block​Blob.​Upload​. This operation creates the blob if it doesn't already exist, or overwrites the blob if it already exists.

The sample code creates a local file to be used for the upload and download, storing the file to be uploaded as source and the name of the blob in blob. The following example uploads the file to your container called quickstartcontainer.

There are several upload methods including upload, uploadBlock, uploadFullBlob, uploadStandardBlobTier, and uploadText which you can use with Blob storage. For example, if you have a string, you can use the UploadText method rather than the Upload method.

Block blobs can be any type of text or binary file. Page blobs are primarily used for the VHD files that back IaaS VMs. Use append blobs for logging, such as when you want to write to a file and then keep adding more information. Most objects stored in Blob storage are block blobs.

List the blobs in a container

You can get a list of files in the container using Cloud​Blob​Container.​List​Blobs. The following code retrieves the list of blobs, then loops through them, showing the URIs of the blobs found. You can copy the URI from the command window and paste it into a browser to view the file.

Download blobs

Download blobs to your local disk using Cloud​Blob.​Download​To​File.

The following code downloads the blob uploaded in a previous section, adding a suffix of '_DOWNLOADED' to the blob name so you can see both files on local disk. Love rain korean drama songs download.

Clean up resources

If you no longer need the blobs that you have uploaded, you can delete the entire container using Cloud​Blob​Container.​DeleteIfExists. This method also deletes the files in the container.

Next steps

In this article, you learned how to transfer files between a local disk and Azure Blob storage using Java. To learn more about working with Java, continue to our GitHub source code repository.