Visual Minteq Mac

Titrator Chemical Equilibrium Calculator‎ > ‎


Some other chemical equilibrium calculators which may be better suited to your needs, especially for more advanced calculations..
ChemEQL- Another free, simple equilibrium calculator, ChemEQL is a JAVA
program (runs on Mac, Linux and Windows) that contains a small database with >2000 reactions. It has a simple, text-oriented interface and lots of documentation (95 page manual, including a quick-start section).
Visual Minteq- Visual Minteq is an updated, GUI version of the US EPA's MinteqA2 program used to calculate equilibrium speciation in natural waters. It has a simple interface, a nicely-updated thermodynamic database, and interfaces with Excel for graphic display. Windows only.
PHREEQc- The US Geological Survey maintains this very powerful program as freeware. PHREEQc performs not only equilibrium calculations, but chemical kinetics, reactive transport and inverse (pathway) modeling. It has a text-driven interface and requires a longer learning period than the programs listed above.
Additional information on these programs is available in the downloadable pdf 'Equilibrium Resources' (see below).

Visual Minteq For Mac

Complete self-contained system in zipped folder

Surely the quickest way to get up and running is to download a complete example in a single zipped folder (ca 360 kB ) that includes the ORCHESTRA executable, the object database, a thermodynamic database and input files defining a simple example system.

ORCHESTRA can simply be started by clicking the orchestra2020.jar file within the folder.

Visual Build Pro is a tool that enables developers, software process engineers, and build specialists to create an automated, repeatable process for building their software. Visual Build provides built-in support for Microsoft Visual Studio.NET/2005, Visual Studio Team System, Visual Basic, Visual C, SourceSafe, eMbedded Tools, Borland.

You just need a computer with Java 8 installed!

  • Visual Minteq 2.32 Weslea 3.0. Mac Microsoft Office 2013. Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 2003 MPLAB X IDE beta 7.02 MSXML 4.0.
  • Information Technology Services manages several computer labs on the Boston campus which Northeastern students, faculty and staff may use. ITS-managed computer labs offer access to the university’s extensive library of software applications.
Visual Minteq Mac

ORCHESTRA executable

The latest version of the ORCHESTRA2020.jar file can be downloaded separately here.

Need for speed carbon multiplayer lan patch. This executable runs on a Windows/Mac OSX/ Linux machine that has Java 8 installed).

ORCHESTRA object files

Visual Minteq For Mac Download

The latest (2020) objects file (text) file can be downloaded here.

Thermodynamic databases in ORCHESTRA format

Visual Minteq For Mac

  • CEMDATA18 (conversion from PHREEQC databases being tested)
  • NEA 2018 (under development)
  • Lindsay